Privately Owned Investment Company

Topanga is a actively managed private professional investment company


Our focus is investing in equities and fixed income as well as private equity and real estate


Topanga is an actively managed investment company which runs a diversified multi-asset class portfolio, investing globally in equities and fixed income as well as private equity and real estate.

Topanga OÜ, founded in 2015, is a privately owned investment company based in Tallinn, Estonia.

We strive for positive risk-adjusted performance over business cycles

Active management of investments is key to maximizing our returns in a constantly changing financial landscape.

In order to achieve this, we constantly monitor and adjust the portfolio to take advantage of market trends and opportunities.


Active management of risk is critical for the long-term success of the investment portfolio.

This includes proper risk assessment, diversification, and the use of financial instruments such as futures, options, and insurance to mitigate risk.

We are committed to improving our investment methodology, processes and performance

We keep a high ethical standard in all our investments and undertakings.

We are professionals and act accordingly and create value in everything we do with a long-term horizon.


Our investments are driven by our ESG policy, integrating environment, social and governance issues into our investment processes. We are active in the Green Transition in our investments.

Topanga OÜ is a member of the Estonian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EstVCA) and the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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